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​SPOTT inc.

Monika Krpan, a local Sparta resident, and long time Monroe County Animal Shelter Volunteer, has spearheading a local food pantry for pets!!!  Monika, along with a couple other friends of our furry four legged pets have decided to start a food pantry called SPOTT inc.,  for dogs and cats, and maybe even some other four legged pets that are living with families that are going through troubled times.  

Monika, and others at the Monroe County Animal Shelter have all too many times had wonderful, conscientious families reluctantly relinquish their great pets because of hardships their families face and they are unable to purchase food for the dogs or pets, hence the development of SPOTT inc.  In an effort to help these unfortunate families Monika will have pet food available upon reques.

If you are interested in donating to SPOTT , or if you would like more information please contact Monika .

SPOTT inc. stands for Supporting Pets Over Troubled Times.

SPOTT inc. is a 501 (c) (3)  organization, founded to help keep families and there pets together

and out of shelters.

100% of donations will go to families in need,

in the Monroe county WI area !!

SPOTT inc. does not support breeders  !!



SPOTT inc. has developed of short application for the hardship family to fill out, and once the paperwork is processed  SPOTT will arrange for you to get a bag of pet food for your pet. If you are interested in donating to SPOTT , or if you would like more information please contact Monika .




Food Pantry for Pets!



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